So, everything is very busy in Shanghai. However, some areas are busier than others depending on the day/time. Well, yesterday, when I told Mary Schwartz, JCI manager here, that we were headed to Yu Garden and shopping area, she remarked, "Ryan, that place is going to be crazy today." She was definitely right but it was great. Every basic thing we take for granted, like safely crossing the street, becomes an adventure in China.
If you like people watching, come visit the Bowman's in China. We'll set you up here in Yu Garden, Nanjing Road (think Chicago's Magnificent Mile), or any other street corner for some of the most exhausting people watching you'll ever do.
Here are some more pictures. They capture:
- the "busy-ness" of downtown areas
- how we stand out - can you find Aimee's head in amongst the crowd in one of the pics?
- the Chinese interest in fish. Some of the homes we looked at actually had "in wall", beautiful aquariums that housed dozens of large,colorful fish. This picture was not taken at a pet store, but a jewelry store.
- our lunchtime McDonald's visit. There are 4 or 5 McDonald's in the Yu Garden district alone. The place was packed. Aimee and I had a Big Mac, Dbl Cheeseburger, med fry, large fry, med coke, and large coke for $4.00. When it comes to cost of living, eating at McDonalds is below the curve.
- familiar beverage selection options
1 comment:
Update from your favorite flying dutchman,
Just wanted to let you guys know that i have been thinking about you and checking the blog on a daily basis. It sounds like things are really shaping up. Your house choice looks amazing. I think the kids are going to have a great time!
Football update:
Well we finished out yesterday with a win against Wisconsin Lutheran. We won 26-7. I got to play the entire fourth quarter and part of the third. Today we found out who we play next week in the playoffs. We drew Mt. Union. They have won the national championship 8 out of the last 13 years. i will be sure to let you know how the game goes. Oh yeah, mom and dad mouser finally made it to one of my games. I think they enjoyed it even with the cold weather.
Thats all i have for now. I hope the rest of your visit goes well and i will continue to send up my prayers to the Big Man.
Love you guys,
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