Monday, June 20, 2011

Rachel is 4!!

the birthday girl with her birthday breakfast.

Rachel got her very own tea cup for her birthday. She loves to have tea parties with Mom.

Rachel had her first friend birthday party. She was beaming the entire time. We had a tea party, decorated cookies, did an obstacle course balancing sugar on a spoon, and had lots of play time.

We love you big girl, Rachel!

Shanghai Zoo

We visited the Shanghai Zoo with our friends, the Crandall's a couple of weeks ago. The kids all had a blast.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The first one bites the dust

Yep, there's now a draft of sorts!! Can you tell he was thrilled????

Monday, June 13, 2011

What's your favorite movie snack food?

I took A and E with a couple of friends to see KungFu Panda 2 in 3D. Great movie for kids and adults alike! And really cool to see it in China and appreciate Po's home country first hand!!! The 'interesting' food options are further down. But first, a couple of pics of the kiddos.

Each ticket is assigned to a particular seat which is a little different than the "first come first served" in the US. Worked out well considering we were no where close to "first come". Getting food/drink/3D glasses/bathroom break completed before the lights went down was a homerun in my book! (Thanks Emily for your help at concessions!)

Here's the crew. We hit the local McDonald's afterward and the kids got KungFu Panda toys in their happy meals. I personally got 3 toys because I decided to just eat 3 happy meals myself.

Ok, maybe not.

You may need to click on this photo to read what was on the menu at the concession stand. You'll notice some familiar things, ie, "popcorn" and "chocolate" although good luck figuring out what "chocolate" means exactly. But I love the other options - "Roasted Squid Toast Eel Chip" is a must have for any cinematic experience. It gives the 3D that extra "pop"! And who could pass on the "Duck Gizzard and Liver"? Well, me I guess. And for Final Jeopardy, Alex, "What is Collon?" I might field a wild guess but the dry heaves have already started so I'm going to subscribe to the old adage, "Ignorance is Bliss", thank you very much!

What a fun date with the kids even though we didn't play Fear Factor at the theater!

Peace out y'all!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

China Life

The most popular mode of transportation in Shanghai is the bicycle. And I have yet to see a pick-up truck. I think this contrast explains the following pics. I snapped them both within a couple minutes on a commute home from work.

Difficult to tell from this angle that he's basically got a full on roll cage.

Big, fat luxury SUVs, watch your bumpers!

And then there was this guy ready to joust.

Hope all is well!!! The Bowman's are looking forward to seeing many of you in a few weeks!!