The range is found in Guangxi province, which you can learn more about here.
We did an awful lot of hiking. The main peak is 1764m tall. For reference, the 3rd tallest peak in the Smoky Mountains is 2010 meters tall. The scenery was great considering I've been living in one of the largest urban jungles on the entire planet. It was great to get out and away from the congestion.
It was equally good to spend time with colleagues. Many of them are new hires in the last 6 months that I haven't really gotten to know. I think for some of them, they are just delighted to have pictures with a real, live, breathing American. If one person asked for a picture in a scenic spot, 3 or 4 of them wanted pictures with me too. Strange.
Beware, there are 2 pictures that were “photoshop’d” by Zhao Jianqing. See if you can find them.

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