Packing is 98% complete thanks to GI-normous help from family and friends. Heather and Dave (Aimee's sister and brother-in-law) came Monday night, helping to begin the crazy advendure of packing everything in less than 48 hours, Ryan and Missy Krauss came up from Maryville Illinois to help out Tuesday and Wednesday. Caitlyn Sternik, babysitter extraordinaire, stuck around after babysitting to help pack up lots of kid's stuff. And Beth Bowman joined in by helping out with some kitchen clean-up. Without everyone's help, we would be working through Thanksgiving. A GIANT THANK YOU TO Y'ALL.
A moving company rep stopped by today and estimated that we had 600 lbs of stuff in our "airplane shipment" and 2000 lbs in our "boat shipment". The airplane delivers in 2-3 weeks. The boat in 6-8 weeks. The weight estimate came in much lower than our allowance for shipping. Therefore, we plan to add a few "luxury"items such as the rocking chair, more books, and Ryan's car. J/K. If any family members want to join us free of charge, they say the "cruise" is nice this time of year.
The movers come on Monday. We are currently scheduled to leave Wednesday morning out of Grand Rapids at 7am.
Enjoy some pictures of the packing party.
Be praying for our family as we do the "farewell" tour this holiday season. Also pray for the kids as they embark on a journey that will take them across the world in a single bound.....and for the poor folks sitting near us on the plane. Aimee and I were noting today that we are so excited to have Anna and Elijah join us on this adventure. Their fun-loving, carefree spirits come from a trust that Momma and Daddy are going to take care of them, no matter what. For me, it's a reminder that my heavenly Father is going to take care of us, no matter what. In the middle of all the scary unknowns associated with this adventure, we rest in that truth.
Love you all so much! I'm looking forward to hearing more. Ryan and I are home after our 9hrs in the car but we had a wonderful trip! No family drama thankfully :)
Take care!
~I'll be thinking of you often as I listen to my new christmas music.
Hey I am glad i could help!!! I am going to miss babysitting!! I have not had many families that i have gotten this attached to with babysitting!!! I love it and am going to miss all of you!!! I will quickly stop by on monday but i will call you guys first to see if you are home and maybe figure out a time!!! Luve You All!!!
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