Hey everyone! It is Aimee again. Tarnow family, I loved your questions.
The answers, Aimee style are:
1)what has been the hardest transtion?
- I love grocery shopping and cooking in the states and both are currently very difficult. I cannot find the majority of the staple food items that I am used to cooking with, including all-purpose flour, sugar, and brown sugar. Some of those items are being sent either on the plane or the boat but the others we continue to go to different stores looking for. The items that are available in the stores I have no idea what they are (can't read Chinese) and don't know how to use them even if I did know what they were. The other difficulty is the apt is stocked with only 2 saucepans--no fry pan, no pans for the oven--so I am limited by ingredients and also by style of cooking.
2)what has surprised me the most?
- How much attention Anna and Elijah receive when we go out to any public area--especially the grocery stores. We are stopped many times throughout the store with different Chinese people touching the kids hands, heads, and getting very close to talk to them in Chinese. They do know the words "cute" and "beautiful". The Chinese people are intrigued with foreign children.
3) What have I found to be the most different from Holland?
- you may see a theme here but the grocery stores (that is really the only place we have been traveling to :) )
4) the most similar?
- Home life is pretty much the same, but better than the past couple of months because it had been so busy and crazy that we have not had much time to enjoy one another and play together but that is pretty much all we do now--lots of hide-and-seek, reading, coloring etc.
I think all areas of the transition are day by day getting better. A lot of it has to do with feeling more rested, being able to receive and send emails, but I think mostly God's grace, provision, and help to get us through. Thank you for all of your prayers. I took a couple of videos of the kids playing and singing that I thought you would enjoy.
Elijah working on his Ronaldino impersonation. http://www.videoegg.com/video/cKIYqB
Heartland worship sparked a flame.... http://www.videoegg.com/video/cKIUpZ
I particularly enjoyed seeing the monkeys!
Your videos have now become our evening entertainment. We (Kassi & I) loved the JESUS YES!!! song, brings back fond memories. Anna and Elijah are too adorable!! Keep those cameras rollin'!!
Love you all,
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