Yes. Aimee delivered Rachel on Saturday evening at 6:33pm. She weighed in at 6lbs, 13oz. Length was 20.5 inches. Aimee's delivery was awesome and even the doctors were impressed at how smoothly things went. Rachel is also doing great.
Aimee began having strong contractions on Friday afternoon around 2pm. In the middle of Friday night, the frequency increased to about every 7 minutes. The doctor had told her to come in when they got to 6 minutes. Unfortunately for Aimee, they cooled off that night. But they picked up again big time Saturday morning and we were on our way at lunch time.
We are thrilled to have another healthy little girl in the family. Anna's frequent prayers for a little sister were answered on Saturday night. Anna has been flying high ever since. Elijah has surprised us by how excited and interested he is in the new baby. Today, Aimee realized that she will probably have to start feeding her in a closet somewhere because A & E follow Rachel everywhere. They are so geeked to have a baby sis.
Things went so well that we checked out of the hospital Sunday evening. We are living in Williamston with Nana and Papa Mouser. Aunt Joy and her 3 boys are down the street which is a huge help. We are blessed to have the chance to live there and receive lots of help/support during the day and even nighttime. Unfortunately, work required that I be in Detroit for a 5:30am meeting on Monday so I "missed out" on our first overnight with Rachel. I know I'll get plenty of night time baby "priveledges" soon enough though breast feeding reduces my effectiveness!!
There's more to come on this front so expect the blog to be updated more frequently. Things have been busy here!
Sorry that the blog got updated before you received a phone call or email. Hopefully, we'll be able to introduce you to Rachel soon.
BEAUTIFUL!!! God is good!!
Congrats! Children = Blessings!
When you need someone to teach yours how to drive, let me know!
God Bless,
BO (Lane)
YEa!!!! She's gorgeous! And Mom is lookin pretty darn foxy for just giving birth! Like the highlights!!!
Congratulations!! So happy for you I could cry!! Glad Ryan was there for the excitement! Love you guys!! Congrats!!
God is so Good!!
YEa!!!! She's gorgeous! And Mom is lookin pretty darn foxy for just giving birth! Like the highlights!!!
Congratulations!! So happy for you I could cry!! Glad Ryan was there for the excitement! Love you guys!! Congrats!!
God is so Good!!
We love all of you and were so glad we were able to be there to meet little Rachel that we already love and adore.
We look forward to seeing all of you again sometime soon.
It was so good to see you guys. Rachel is beautiful. Nice pictures. Your my blog role model.
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