We flew out of Grand Rapids this AM at 10. We now sit in Minneapolis waiting for our 1pm CST departure. Elijah and Anna both did great. Elijah spent the majority of the flight playing with Daddy which included chucking toys into the seatback (he was rearward facing in his car seat), playing with a Qdoba ball (thanks Megan), and pointing out footballs, basketballs, and "vrooms" in the USA Today. Anna kept Mom busy by requesting a new activity/toy every 5 minutes. Based on the size of Anna's backpack, I surmise that they used 8% of it's contents on the 94 minute flight. : )
We checked 12 bags and carried on 5 plus a stroller. I highly recommend hiring several sherpas (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherpa) if you ever consider traveling with small children.
Sorry I did not publish our itinerary sooner. Here's what is left:
Depart Minn at 1pm. Arrive Tokyo at 4:40pm, Friday, Tokyo time (12 hr, 40min flight, oh my)
Depart Tokyo at 5:50pm. Arrive Shanghai at 8:15pm, China time (3 hr, 25min flight)
We'll get the blog updated as soon we can. Our temp housing situation is in a nice 3 BR apt that has high speed internet access.
The family pictures were taken by Mom Bowman at the "point of no return" in the airport. You'll see in the others that Aimee/Anna sat 2 rows forward of Ryan/Elijah on the plane.
Other pics:
Chilling at Minneapolis Lounge
Picnic in the van with Gramma at Critter Barn, while Mom and Dad facilitate home packing
More later.....
I'm glad things are going well. Is everyone healthy? I need some girly comments as well, as to how everyone is "feeling" please. Our hearts and prayers are with you every step of the way.
Love you
Hey Bowmans!
I checked your blog before turning in Thurs night, and realized you were over the Pacific somewhere! Praying that the entire trip was great for all. Ryan, I e-mailed you info you requested. Take care Bowmans! We love you all!!
Ryan just called...Friday 1:00pm. All is well. Getting into Shanghai was difficult dealing with all the bags, 2 very tired children and not finding their driver right away. It was 2am when he called and Aimee and the kids were sleeping. The driver is picking them up at 10am Sat to go grocery shopping.
The apartment internet will not be up and running for 2-3 days. He will update the blog as soon as he can.
Kathy Bowman
Man, you got of town just in time! We're gettin' hammered with snow! No area school was open that I knew of. Anyway, hope you guys get some much needed rest! By the way, thanks for leaving the Reeves family with the plague! We got it good Wednesday night! You should have stayed home Wednesday!Read my blog to find out more! I'll talk to you more over Sametime at JCI.
Hi Bowmans,
Just wanted you to know that we have been thinking about you and praying for you. Hope all is well and that you are catching up on your sleep. I'm anxious to hear how the trip went, how the kids are coping, how all of you are feeling, etc. We are having small group here tonight and will be sure to lift you guys up in prayer.
Love and Blessings,
Hey guys! Hope you are getting setteled in. We miss you lots. Dave and I just got back from closing up your house, very sad! It is very cold and empty without you there (literaly and figuratively). Good news is, we have our weekend home on the Lake that we always wanted:). We are planning on renting it out for $1,000/week, we'll split it with you 90/10. Put your emails on the blog so I can email you I don't know what addresses you're using. We love you lots and are praying for you all. Love, Heather and Dave
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