And, no, the countdown is not to the infamous Karoeke night on Friday night. We countdown only to those things in life that we look forward to with unbridled excitement and anticipation. Kareoke night hardly qualifies and, really, should just be banned.
The most anticipated blog post of all time will come later this week. Can you guess it? Are you blind? Have you been keeping up with the Bowman Blog?
Yeah, and you officially won't be sleeping until the post/pictures/maybe some video (ewww!) arrives.
THE TOILET BLOG!!!! And this is a shout out (Vanilla Ice uses the term "shout out" I think) to Linda A. for coining this now famous blogline. I would venture a not so risky guess that this may indeed be the first Blog post EVER dedicated to analyzing/documenting/detailing a Chinese toilet. It certainly ain't like the kemodes we enjoy in the great US of A.
Disclaimer: Material in the "toilet blog" may not be suitable for everyone. It may be the train wreck that you just won't be able to look away from. You might be late to work, forget to pick the kids up, or even forget to shower for days on end. And so, this blog post isn't for your mother. She certainly would not approve.
Until then, happy trails in your neck of the woods.
4 days-ish and counting.....
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