We have lots of TV channels here in China. Typically, I can find this smattering of options on the tube:
1. Chinese Gong Show
2. Chinese Soap Opera
3. Chinese MTV
4. Chinese VH1
5. Chinese Soap Opera 2
6. Chinese movie channel
7. Chinese Spanish channel
8. Chinese news and weather
9. ESPN, Europe
10. CNN
11. National Geographic
12. Australian Soap Opera
13. Star Channel (plays popular American shows, ie, American Idol, The Office, etc)
Today, I read some startling news online at
China has chosen not to renew their contract with ESPN. Granted, ESPN here consists of 98% football (that's soccer) and 2% everything else including rugby and cricket. Yeah, so basketball gets roughly the .012%...total. The game of soccer has grown on me a little bit mostly because it's the only sport option available unless the ping pong tournaments are on. And badminton is altogether too intense. So, I actually started to enjoy watching the "English Premier League" soccer matches.
The fun was shortlived. It's back to the Gong Show, China style for me!
Here are some random pictures...
1. Our favorite Hope football player of all time, #66 dominated his opponent on the ensuing play. Shout out to Lance Rodgers!
2. Ryan kicking it at Cedar Point with friends last year. Everyone here thinks I'm 15 years old.
3. A favorite picture of a younger Anna.
Lookin good Ryan, have you called your parents lately? Rick and Linda are probably missing you!!
Ah yes, Ryan, that is a memorable picture. I suppose you deliberately chose not to include the story behind this picture. Everyone- if you look just behind Ryan, you'll see another young boy, arms crossed, and slightly bulkier than Ryan. You can see the angst on his face. Moments after this photo was snapped, Ryan was carried off on a stretcher due to the violent beating he received from this angry boy. You see, Ryan learned the hard way what happens when you cut in line at Cedar Point. To this day, Ryan still has nightmares.
Hi Bowman's
Your blog is great and very entertaining. Dennis just sent it to me. I like reading about different cultures. I am thrilled for you to be getting your shipment soon. I have been praying for you. Keep us posted.
So the kid with his arms crossed dropped Ryan faster then the Demon Drop! Was probably a Michigan fan!
You Bowmans sure have funny friends. Especially that Kristin . . . was she possibly suggesting that R & L might be old enough to be your parents!!??? :) Nice pics Ryan! Enjoyed seeing the pic of you in your adolescent prime!
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