Hey all! Here are some pictures first--I can't figure out how to move them around so some are out of order but here we go!
The first set is when our friend Joab and his older 2 kids showed us around some of their favorite spots and how to get around on the subway. It was COLD--not Michigan cold, but Shanghai cold feels cold when you are out in it. When Ryan told me it was going to be mid 40s so to dress warmly, I was thinking MI temps so didn't go all out but after walking around a while, I realized that mid 40's with wind is still cold.
This next picture is out of order--but is when we went as a family to the store down the street. It is nice to be able to shop without needing the driver to bring me there. It makes me feel a lot more free. The store is like a big Meijer, with anything we might need just a short walk away.
Breakfast is the kids favorite meal time so I thought I would take pictures of them enjoying their favorites.
This next pic is when we were walking home from the store.
The kids are doing great as we go around town, figuring out where things are and how to do life here.

I am really going to try to be better about blogging this time around. It is totally not me--but it is a great way to keep people posted with what is happening around here and to see pics of the kids so I will try. I am not funny or good with words like Ryan so bear with me.
I am really going to try to be better about blogging this time around. It is totally not me--but it is a great way to keep people posted with what is happening around here and to see pics of the kids so I will try. I am not funny or good with words like Ryan so bear with me.
This time of adjusting has been SO much better for me than last time. There are many factors that contribute to that--knowing what to expect, having friends already here that we look forward to seeing and even live next too, good weather (it has not rained once since we have been here where last time it rained everyday so the kids and I were stuck inside all of the time), and this time Ryan's work has been so gracious in allowing him to get his family and life settled before having to dig in totally to work. It has been so helpful to have him here to watch the kids while I go out looking for groceries or household items. I get no attention when I am out by myself but when kids are in tow, it is a whole different story.
There is still much to explore and figure out but we are tackling it one day at a time. There is a very limited menu still of what we are eating because we are waiting for all of the spices and herbs to come on the boat shipment, but I am slowly figuring what I can make with only basil, oregano, salt, and pepper.
Thanks for checking in on us. We love and miss you all so much!
Thanks Aimee for posting! It is so good to hear that you all are doing well and adjusting easier. I'd love some pictures of the house so I can picture where you are living :)
Its great to see how you guys are all settling in! It hope the transition continues to go well, and that you will have lots of fun adventures together in China!
Thanks for the update, and the pictures. I'm glad that it is an easer transition for you this time. Love and miss you all!
Awwww. Thanks for posting. So glad things are going smoother this time around and you all are getting settled in.
Great to see all the pictures! The kids are so grown up now, and they are beautiful. I am glad you are in Puxi and can experience more of real China life. I think it will impact your kids in a big way. So glad you are by the Meyers and friends. What a blessings. It makes me smile that God used us to introduce you guys when we all first met. He must have an awesome kingdom plan with your families together.
Love to you all,
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